Российско-Китайский деловой центр

Российско-Китайский деловой центр
Association for the Promotion of Business Relations “Chinese Business Center”

«Chinese Business Center»

More than 20 members of the Association More than 150 delegations from China Representative office of the Chinese Business Center in Shanghai

The Association for the Promotion of Business Relations «Chinese Business Center» is designed to become a modern platform for effective interaction between representatives of various business sectors and the authorities of Russia and China. Since its opening in March 2015, it has been visited by more than 35 thousand specialists, 650 delegations from 20 provinces of China, and over 500 business events have been held.

China’s activity and interest in Expoforum exhibition projects is increasing every year. Chinese companies are interested in the following industries: shipbuilding, energy, oil and gas industry, industry, agriculture, medicine, pet industry and others. The Chinese Business Center helps to establish communication with Chinese exhibitors at the Expoforum site. In the future, one of the priority areas of cooperation will be projects in the social sphere and the bioindustry.