Become a forum partner


Your company’s participation as a PARTNER will increase the quality content, level of the event organization and efficiency through the high organization, service and additional media opportunities. The status of partner at a federal event with international participation will provide your business with the most effective representation of the company at the forum venue, the opportunity to present achievements and experience in developing and implementing innovations, building an effective system of interaction with subsidiaries, partners and contractors, in digitalization of production processes and training of engineering staff.


DIRECT COMMUNICATION with the heads of federal and regional government authorities, the heads of industrial and IT companies, the leaders of industry unions

PRODUCT AND SERVICE PRESENTATION, presenting your company as effectively as possible at your own events within the business program

NEW USEFUL AQUAINTANCES, networking at an international forum (more than 200 CEOs of the participating companies)

DEVELOPMENT OF RELATIONS with partners and expansion of the network of contractors from many regions of Russia

IMAGE ADVERTISING, promotion on the relevant information resources